Creta Maris introduces a series of mini interviews with members of the Creta Maris Family, starting with two of our most loyal and dear friends. Let us introduce Eric and Rose who’ve been returning to our resort for 25 years!
Will you introduce yourselves?
We are Eric Ost (81) and Rose De Puydt (73) and we are Belgians. We live in “De Pinte” near Gent / Gand / Ghent in Belgium. Our official languages are: Dutch (not Flemish), French and German.
Which was the first year you came to Creta Maris and how many times you’ve been here in total?
After visiting for 30 years countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and North & South America, we decided to choose a place to come again for the rest of our lifetime. So, the first time we arrived at Creta Maris was in 1993. In September 2018 it was our 45th stay in 25 years.
How has the hotel changed over the years?
In the last 25 years Creta Maris changed constantly, among the changes we’ve seen happening are the Terra building and the Convention center.
Name the one thing that you miss the most from Creta Maris during the winter while dreaming of your next holidays.
The whole staff of Creta Maris with their intense and warm welcome each time we arrive.
What makes this hotel so special to you? Would you call Creta Maris your “second home”?
The place, the people are not just our second home… The most emotional moment was in 2017 when we were invited to attend the commemoration day of the founder of the Creta Maris; Mr. Nikos Metaxas (1915 – †2009). At that moment we felt ourselves very close to the family.
Have you already planned your next holidays?
Yes, in May – June 2019!
Eric & Rose